how you’ll learn
Every child learns in their own way — some like to explore, some play pretend, others love to use their hands. We’ve built on proven methods to create a joy-filled learning adventure that’s uniquely suited to the educational needs of kids with learning differences like Down syndrome, Fragile X, and Autism.
Highly visual ✨
Visual instruction with joyful illustrations and animations.
Tactile 🖐
Kids are encouraged to interact by touching the stimulus on-screen.
Musical 🎼
Our singalongs encourage your child to use their voice, and they help with memory too!
Positive 👍
Our character playmates use modeling and feedback to guide your child to the right answer.
Well paced 🐘
Instruction with moments of pause to let learning sink in.
Repetition 🔁
Mastery takes practice. Keyword games are repeated in a way that
feels fun, not repetitive.
Behavior modeling 👀
Our characters model good behaviors like listening, looking, and speaking at the right moment.
Agency ☝🏽
An exploratory game that gives your child agency to pick words, practice, or try something new.